Impact evaluation guide for projects and programs in cannabis use prevention among youth

The goal of this guide, mainly intended for project managers and coordinators in charge of organizing these evaluations, is to provide a simple, systematic, and adaptable methodology for developing and implementing impact evaluation processes for cannabis use in youth prevention programs. It is based on public health and urban safety approaches to impact assessment.

First, through five modules, the Guide d'évaluation des programmes de prévention de consommation du cannabis chez les jeunes lays out concrete program analysis tools to better define the issues and the importance of the evaluation. Founded on official and recent scientific studies, this analysis tool, in simple steps, renders a global understanding of the reach and success of programs, the evaluation of which can be complex. With a realistic approach, we address this question by offering a hybrid method, combining the evaluation of the stages of the program’s implementation, and evaluation of the results.

Then, as a complement to this tool, a four chapter module titled La légalisation du cannabis : comment y répondre avec les programmes de prévention de consommation du cannabis chez les jeunes emphasizes program conception to support municipalities in their strategic development around these issues.


Download: Guide d'évaluation des programmes de prévention de consommation du cannabis chez les jeunes (available in French only)

Download: La légalisation du cannabis : comment y répondre avec les programmes de prévention de consommation du cannabis chez les jeunes (available in French only)